Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1st, 2012: Day 1

It is so weird to think we have made it to 2012. I wrote 2011 at first when I titled this post and had to quickly change it!

But anyway, so today was the very first day of my journey. It felt too easy. Because I had stayed out so late last night because of New Year's Eve I didn't wake up until 11:30 am and got ready for church before going up for lunch. So I had wasted my entire morning sleeping :( then after lunch I went to church which is now held at 1:00 pm. By the time I got home from church, it was time to change into my "comfies", set the table and eat dinner. Everyone had dessert but me, that was about the only thing that was tempting but just kept telling myself no. Because it is Sunday-- a rest day-- I didn't do any exercise. So really tomorrow is when it really starts because then I can really start testing myself and disciplining myself.

I am really excited to be doing this and I will try to post daily updates on my days throughout the year. Telling you what is happening, how it is effecting my life in all five aspects: Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social. And either putting up pictures of me to see the changes, or inspiring, helpful pictures/quotes to help me stay strong and positive!

I have never attempted anything like this in anyway, it is something that will build my self-esteem, my confidence, my heart, my endurance, my mind, and ultimately my body and soul!

Please stay tuned for daily updates!! And check out my food blog in a couple of days, I am trying to start posting lots more stuff on there too!

Thanks again for all your support, it means so much to me really you are the best! And if you will please, share this blog and my food blog with others, I hope that this could inspire others that are like myself and were in the same position that I was in days, months, years ago! Love you all and so thankful for you, Be safe, and happy Reading and Living!

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