Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 3rd, 2012: Day 3

Well this year feels like is could really be something special. Something different-- there is change, good change. But it won't be easy either. But life wasn't made to be easy, or how would we learn and grow?

I feel a little bit better since starting my journey but I still have a very long way to go. This year is going to be different. I am going to be different. I have had some weak moments but they pass and thankfully I haven't broken my oath. I am still officially off sugar and carbonated drinks, junk food and everything else I had promised to say "no" to. Honestly, it really does help to write things down, it is like signing your very own contract!

Life is quite the complicated, rough, stressful, worrisome, amazing ride! And my life is about a double dose of stressful tomorrow morning because I start my 7 credits of online classes! So, now I will be juggling workouts, classes, work, family time, friend time and everything that come in my life!

WOW! i will definitely need to really straighten out my priorities and make sure I keep on top of things!

But, what I really wanted to talk out was the fact that I am writing this at 1:10am because I can't see to sleep. Sleep is so important in a healthy lifestyle and yet it is so hard for me to fall asleep. I feel my insomnia gets worse as the weeks go by. And what I don't get is the fact that I hit my wall at like 8 or 9 at night and so I go down and get ready for bed and I climb into bed and I can't go to bed! So I sit there waiting for the sleepiness to come but it doesn't! I wish I knew a solution but I have none. And Sleep is a huge part of how my day goes and how I feel at the end of the day which is usually not good!

I hope everyone who is out there reading this, has much better luck going to sleep than I do!

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